Child Info School Selection Delivery Type Please input all personal information below. Child’s English Name: Child’s Chinese Full Name: If Chinese Name is not applicable, pleaseinput English full name here again. Class in 2025/2026: English only, e.g. P1A Date of Birth: DD 01020304050607080910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 MM 010203040506070809101112 YYYY 202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975 Parent’s Mobile: Hong Kong (+852) Please enter a valid mobile number. Parent’s Email: Please enter a valid email address. Home Address: Region: HK & Outlying Islands Kowloon New Territories Back Next Magazine(s) distribution (Hong Kong only) will be based on your school’s delivery type. Please select the regional area of your child’s school. HK & Outlying Islands/ KLN/ NT HK & Outlying Islands Kowloon New Territories District: School Name: Complimentary Gift: Back Next In accordance with the instruction of your chosen school, the magazines can be collected on campus every month. If you prefer to have the magazines posted to your home, there will be an additional charge for postage. Please tick below should you wish for this option. This charge will be added to the subscription total amount at checkout. You can also add an additional postage of $20 / year to mail 10 magazines throughout the year to your home, so that your children's reading will never be interrupted. The postage will be marked before the checkout, and can also be included in the discount amount. I want to add a postage of $20 / year to receive the magazine at the designated address throughout the year. You can also add an additional postage of $10 / year to mail 10 magazines throughout the year to your home, so that your children's reading will never be interrupted. The postage will be marked before the checkout, and can also be included in the discount amount. I want to add a postage of $10 / year to receive the magazine at the designated address throughout the year. Your child’s magazine(s) will be posted to home. Your child's magazine(s) will be sent to your designated address by HK Post every month. If you need to change your address in the future, please contact our customer service officer, we will be happy to make arrangements at any time. Magazines will be delivered in digital format to your email during school closure and paper issues will be given back to students when school resumes. Back Next Your Order Summary You have selected the following magazines: Total Payable Amount [Before Discount (If Applicable)] Your Child’s Chinese name: --- Your Child’s English name: --- School name: --- Class in 2025/2026: --- Final Delivery Type: Distribute at School Post to Home Subscription Gift: --- Home Address: --- Parent’s Mobile: --- Parent’s Email: --- Back Confirm